Some News 26-Apr

I am off for a week to the land of letters, latex and lakes AKA Kottayam.

Before that let me leave you guys with some interesting news..


  • A recent study has reveled that how much a mother eats at the time of conception may influence whether she gives birth to a boy or a girl. You can read the report here. If anyone can read and understand the study please drop in your comments. Is this study based on numbers and statistics? If 10% of all accidents are due to drunken driving, does that mean that there is 90% chance of an accident if you are NOT DRUNK? Also studies have proven that 62.765% of all statistics are wrong. 😀 lol
  • I am going to stop watching IPL. Why? They got plans to ban cheerleaders. OH ! now you guys know why I was hooked to IPL on Friday ! (Trust me I don’t know who won that day). 😀 Some say its degrading cricket (the bookies, the money and the hype is not) I have a few suggestions.
    • Let them air the cheerleaders after IPL is over. May be a different show altogether.
    • Or I have another opinion. Let the cheerleaders be on Sony channel while Set MAX air IPL with ‘No distractions’. :D. So that people ‘who don’t like cricket’ or whose ‘patience run out watching cricket’ can watch Sony. (hey that sounds like someone I know. J )
    • Here is the international take on this issue. The Australian. (Read on how Kamasutra and Khajuraho temples are mentioned. I am still wondering where the moral police were when a couple at Bangalore was harassed and when couples were roughed up at Valentines day!


Update : Cheer leaders wont be banned.  J


About Ban.

Ban seems to be the favorite word among the politicians. They would just love to ban books, ban people, ban smoking on screen, ban cartoons, ban cheerleaders,ban cola, ban blogs, ban movies, ban songs and ban anything that comes in their way.


Now I guess its time to Ban Bans.


  1. Thank God they aren’t banning the cheerleaders cause I’m planning to go watch one of them matches. And there would have been nothing to see if they got banned! 😛

  2. They should film cheerleaders in studio, anywhere outside Maharashtra, then after each ball or six or whatever, they can show a clip from cheerleading.

    That way it won’t effect MH morally, and it won’t disappoint TV viewers too.

    Bon Voyage.

  3. im not a big fan of cricket or cheerleaders or ipl
    now that they have banned the cheerleaders in mah
    or they have not and will look at their every move in detail
    i say they should introduce bargirls instead
    at least they will entertain the politicians and the aam janta alike – think about it dancing on mungda would entertain indians more ..
    plus we wont be loosing forex

    kottayam — aint it hot this time of yr?
    bon voyage

  4. Why are the banning them? Just wrap them in a saree. I guess that will do. 😆 This will safeguard our Bharatiya sabhyata and sanskriti.

  5. @ish, I guess u wont be disappointed. However, they will be all covered up.
    @Anshul, yea that wud be a great idea. 😀
    Prax Amit. They could call in the bargirls in saree. Hope that wud help shut up the politicians.

  6. xylene
    bargirls in saris ehhh?
    well most dance in saris i think though i haven’t yet given one a visit
    nyways cheerleaders is a very foreign concept for most Indians

  7. I is tagged you is to do tag now is the time to do it 😀

  8. Prax, yea, ppl make so much fuss about things that they have not seen. It funny that some bollywood movies show worse things and they dont care and pay to watch them.

  9. […] cheerleaders (which they wanted to ban, Read here), the babes and less cricket makes it my favorite sport […]

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