Monthly Archives: February 2010


Have you lost things and then you were never able to find it? My brother has many things that are under missing tag. Once he lost the wireless router antennae. Yes you heard it right. We searched for it all over the place. In the closet, under the bed, 50 ms around the router itself. […]

Sony Ebook reader PRS 300

The wife gifted me with this super cool gadget. This is the best gift I’ve ever got ! The gift came with a warning “Dont use this all the time at home. You spend a lot of time on the laptop anyway”. Now my bus rides to office is relaxing as I read through pages […]

Civic Bodies and some other things

Elevated Highway Okay now that we have a 10 km long elevate highway all the way to the Electronic City, I would be more tempted to take my car out than to use public transportation. What? there would be a  toll? I am rich so why care. Its for the rich anyway. The common man’s […]